
November 11, 2021

Countries Visited Map

As of August 2024, I have visited 57 countries.

Countries Visited Map

This countries visited map was created in R with the “highcharter” package. The “webshot” package was used to convert the highcharter-produced HTML widget to a static JPG. Code for this map was modified from World map of visited countries in R.

Air Travel Map

Air Travel Map

This air travel map (click on it to see a larger version) shows all of the international flights that I have been on. As of November 2021, the longest flight that I have been on was from Dallas to Doha, Qatar (7,932 miles, about 15 hours and 30 minutes).

The travel map was created in R using code modified from Create Air Travel Route Maps with ggplot2.

Posted on:
November 11, 2021
1 minute read, 123 words
Personal Travel
Personal Travel
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